Lisa BattenLisa Batten works for the MI Conference as part of the connectional ministry team. She has spent most of her ministry working with young people, has a passion for connecting people to people and people to resources, and developing leaders. Lisa is a spouse, biological mother of three, and is "mama lisa" to several other young people.
Rev. SUe PethoudRev. Sue Pethoud is a United Methodist deacon serving at Cass Community Social Services and Cass Community UMC in Detroit, MI. She coordinates the over 7,000 volunteers that come to serve those in need through CCSS each year.
Stephanie B. DunnStephanie B. Dunn is a United Methodist minister and coach. She is committed to providing safe space for deep questions, providing people with courageous spaces to explore and express agency in their lives.
Cindy ArnoldCindy is a high school math teacher and UMC lay servant who preaches often. She enjoys being Aunt to two wonderful kiddos, reading, and hiking. Instagram Profile @mathteacherpreacher
Suzanna GreenSuzanna Green has been doing Christian formation work for the past 11 years and is currently the Bishop's Deputy for Christian Formation for the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. She has experience in curriculum development, curriculum curation, mentorship and coaching, planning and hosting events, and leading formation for children and adults. She is passionate about connecting people of all ages to resources that help them learn more about God, sharing Godly Play stories, playing board games, reading children’s books, listening to podcasts, and taking time in nature.
Rev. Adam KnappAdam R. Knapp is co-senior pastor of First United Methodist Church San Marcos in San Marcos, TX, serving alongside his wife, Rev. Danielle Knapp. They have two daughters, one cat, and a herd of deer living in their backyard. Having never found the wardrobe which leads into Narnia, nor a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Adam's last hope is that one day a wizard will show up at his door to invite him on an adventure to slay a dragon in Middle-earth.
Rev. dr. tanya campenRev. Dr. Tanya Marie Eustace Campen is an ordained deacon and currently serves as Director, Intergenerational Discipleship for the Rio Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. She has a PhD in Christian Education and Congregational Studies and is the author of "Holy Work with Children: Making Meaning Together." She is the mom of two children who she lovingly calls "Thumper" and "Flicker." Tanya believes that God is actively present in the lives of all people and enjoys discovering God in every life moment.
Brittany SkyBrittany Sky is a writer, creator, and researcher who loves kids and the adults who care for them. She holds a BA and MA in Christian Education, and an MBA for good measure. Brittany is the author of Raising Good People, the Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook, and the Bible Basics Storybook, and co-author of the Deep Blue Bible Storybook, and countless curricula. Brittany lives on the land of the Cherokee (usually called Nashville, TN) with her preschooler, Rowan, her terrier, Lily, and her two bunnies, Carl and Ellie.
Rev. matthew ChapmanMatthew is the Pastor of Traverse Bay United Methodist Church. In his spare time he spends time with family, reads, and swims in the lake (year-round). Heim is a kindergartener in Traverse City, he loves Star Wars, Spiderman, Math, and Being a Big Brother.
Cynthia Kepler-KarrerCynthia Kepler-Karrer is an ordained elder in the Rio Texas Conference. She is married to Clayton Karrer, and together they have three beautiful cats: Rockford, Harley and Toothless.
Brady BanksBrady is the founder of Turnaround Collective, creating adventurous spaces where young adults--and those young at heart-- can experience pilgrimage, explore meaning-making, and discover a practical spirituality.
Darcy MittelstaedtDeacon Darcy Mittelstaedt serves as Bishop's Associate for Leadership and Lifelong Faith Formation in the Southwestern Texas Synod. She is passionate in service, justice, and forming faith in all ages. Darcy resides in New Braunfels, TX.
Rev. Devin SmithDevin Smith has served as the Pastor at Romeo United Methodist Church for the past 3 years. He loves being active and outdoors and having new experiences with his wife and 5 children.
Erica KozlowskiErica is the Children & Youth Director at Central UMC in Traverse City, MI. She enjoys working with children & youth, along with singing in the Praise Band on Sundays. She has been on staff for 6 years & volunteered for 8. She is a wife and a mother to 2 beautiful girls, and bonus mom to my adult stepson. Erica's favorite things include reading, kayaking, adventuring, and being with my family.
Rev. jenaba WaggyJenaba Waggy (ze/zir | he/him) is an ordained elder in the Michigan Conference who serves currently in Ann Arbor. When not pastoring, Waggy loves writing, catching up on Star Trek, and discussing the reasons the Book of Discipline is actually a really good read.
Rev. Lindsey HallLindsey's greatest joy in ministry is to work with children and youth, and to see them grow in their faith as beautiful children of God. She loves tap dancing and singing, playing tag with her young children, talking theology with her co-pastor husband, visiting family in Nebraska, and serving as an elder in the Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church.
AMelia Richardson DressAmelia Richardson Dress is a pastor and the author of The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times and This Is the Mystery of Easter. She lives with her husband, daughter and three cats who keep them on their toes.
The Christie FamilyThe Christie family lives in Allentown, Pennsylvania. We are 9 people, including 2 parents and 7 children between the ages of 3 and 20.
Rev. Dr. Kelly
Rev. Dillon BurnsDillon is a pastor currently serving at Okemos Community Church in Okemos, Michigan. He is married with a young son and an energetic Bernedoodle named Moose Tracks. He enjoys preaching, poetry, bike rides, and sunny days.
Rev. mona CandeaRev. Mona Candea serves as Associate Director of Next Generation Ministries at the Missouri Annual Conference. As a UMC Deacon, her calling is to advocate for healthy and quality discipleship for the youngest in our church. She has a double PK husband who gets the church-both holy and hard-, a wild and amazing toddler and two big dogs.
Janet Schaeffler, OPJanet Schaeffler, OP, former director of adult faith formation for the archdiocese of Detroit, leads days of reflection/retreats, parish missions, workshops; facilitates online courses for two universities and serves as a pastoral services team member for RENEW International. An author of many books and hundreds of articles, she also created and publishes GEMS: a twice-monthly newsletter from an ongoing international best practices study on adult faith formation.
Rev. Jessica PetersenRev. Jessica Petersen currently serves as Associate Pastor at Wellspring, a United Methodist Community of Faith in Georgetown, Texas. She also co-leads the Faith Formation Leadership Academy. Jessica is married to David, and they have two daughters.
Jon A HerrinJon is a minister and writer living in south Texas where he serves on the US/Mexico border. He and his wife, Jeanne, have three grown children and four grandchildren who fill their lives with joy. Jon's favorite activities include walking, hiking, reading, and drinking espresso.
Rev. Dr. Kevin JohnsonRev. Dr. Kevin Johnson, an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church, serves as Director, Children’s Ministries for the Congregational Vitality & Intentional Discipleship team at Discipleship Ministries. Kevin’s hero Fred Rogers suggests that we, “listen to the children, learn about them, learn from them. Think of the children first.” This quote defines Rev. Kev’s approach to ministry, as well as his passion for intergenerational worship and communication.
Rev. Dr. Beth FenderRev. Dr. Beth Fender is an ordained deacon currently serving as Coordinator of Ministerial Excellence for the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The United Methodist Church. She has seminary degrees in Christian Education and Spiritual Formation and co-directs an intergenerational camp each summer with her husband, Mike, an ordained elder. A member of the Order of Saint Luke, Beth loves the liturgical seasons (especially Lent) and helping people connect with God through the practice of spiritual disciplines.
Rev. Melissa COllier GepfordThe Rev. Melissa Collier Gepford is the Intergenerational Discipleship Coordinator of the United Methodist Great Plains Conference, in which she helps congregations establish healthy kids and youth ministries. She grew up in East Texas and graduated from Perkins School of Theology, and as an ordained United Methodist deacon, she connects church people to the world. Melissa is a writer, speaker, and most recently, the creator of Dandelion Marketplace. She enjoys drinking good coffee, working out, and testing her semi-green thumb. Melissa and her husband Bill enjoy dancing when they can and love playing with their son, Finnegan.
Rev. Seulki ChoiI am a provisional deacon and serve as an intercultural family coordinator at the Great Plains Conference and Columbus First UMC. I am a mother of an 11-year-old girl and a 7-year-old cat, and expecting a baby girl in May 2024! I love baking, music, and.. taking a nap!
Sherry StoneSherry is the Director of Children, Family and Outreach Ministries at Adrian FUMC in Michigan. She has two wonderful adult sons, the best daughter in love ever and is a pastor's spouse.
Mary Ann OttoMary Ann is a long time lay minister working in the field of discipleship, evangelization and formation. She has a Masters Degree in Theological studies and is the author and co-producer of Be Like Jesus-Live Like Jesus Video Series.